
#我住在这里的理由#【261 欧阳森篇上集】他不仅是《非正》英国代表,更是道可道、萌可萌的超级学霸!看正统英国绅士,带北海道少女柚子花样游北京。中、英、日语随机切换,还附加剑桥美女作伴,这期我住福利满满!#名校内卷竟是学中文#

听说你也在学外语?快收藏这些小 tips!

在这条短片中,Mariana 分享了她是如何学习德语的。在学习一门外语的过程中,你首先需要做到的是规划好你的笔记本,将它按照你学习的需求进行划分板块。然后需要多听、多说、多写、多读,充分利用好你在所拥有的学习资源,把这门外语融入你的日常生活。


Don’t forget that this is 360 video: you can change the angle of view. This video has frame rate 24 fps. That should solve the problem of blurry video, which some viewers had with our previous video. We invite you to a journey to the tulip fields of Holland. You will be able to fly over the most famous symbol of Netherlands in our new 360 video. If you enjoyed this video please like, share, comment, favorite, subscribe: https://goo.gl/NZMdaz We regularly publish new 360 videos of the most beautiful places on our planet! 360° photos and videos, stories of our shootings, articles and FAQ you can find on our website: http://AirPano.com


日本伏见稻荷大社建于 8 世纪,主要祀奉以宇迦之御魂神为首的诸位稻荷神,是京都地区香火最盛的神社之一。稻荷神是农业与商业的神明,香客前来祭拜求取农作丰收、生意兴隆、交通安全。这里最出名的要数神社主殿后面密集的朱红色「千本鸟居」,是京都最具代表性的景观之一。