


宜兰县三星国小棒球队小朋友作词,「丘与乐」乐团谱曲 ,台湾史上第一次,将棒球场上的奋战与斗志化为一首热血RAP 。「现实没有想得这么残酷,九局下半我也打死不退」 。棒球就像人生,无论顺势逆境如何更替,只有每次每次用力挥,才能让梦想飞过全垒打墙!From CTBC


While the original 1933 King Kong is an all-time classic, there have been a slew of imitators that slipped on the proverbial banana peel. Here are bizarre King Kong rip-offs you never knew existed. While King Kong was a critical and commercial smash in 1933, its sequel Son of Kong – which came only nine months later — was not, sending the Kong brand back to Skull Island. Fifteen years later, B-movie studio Film Classics released its own low-budget Kong-inspired movie: Unknown Island. The story should sound familiar: An adventure seeker convinces his soon-to-be wife to finance an expedition to an island supposedly populated by dinosaurs. When they arrive, it turns out the legends were true! So yeah, same basic story as King Kong, although Unknown Island doesn’t feature a gorilla-like monster. Instead, it has giant sloths and actors in dinosaur costumes. Unknown Island isn’t the worst King Kong ripoff, and at only 75 minutes it isn’t a big time commitment either. It’s also in the pu