What is 2:1 Aspect Ratio — Why David Fincher, Ari Aster, and More Directors are Switching to 18:9

What is 2:1 Aspect Ratio ►► https://bit.ly/2×1-ratio Chapters: 00:00 What is Aspect Ratio? 01:05 Vittorio Storaro Proposes 2:1 (Univisium) 02:01 2:1 Aspect Ratio Explained 02:55 How Ari Aster Uses 2:1 (18:9 Aspect Ratio) 03:18 2:1 in Jurassic World 03:35 How David Fincher Uses 2:1 04:06 2:1 in Stranger Things 04:53 Recap — 2:1 for Your Next Project This is Cinematic Aspect Ratios Explained — Aspect ratios in filmmaking and cinematography are not just technical jargon, there is real visual storytelling value in which aspect ratio you choose. But what is aspect ratio today? Despite TVs being designed to accommodate widescreen filmmaking, they typically default to a 16:9 aspect ratio, which often compromises the filmmaker’s original vision. Today, we’re going to look at the 2:1 or 18:9 aspect ratio, how it might just be the perfect happy medium and why filmmakers like David Fincher and Ari Aster are switching over. Legendary cinematographer Vittorio Storaro first devised the 2:1 aspec

Logan and the Neo-Western Explained — The Evolution of Western Movies

More on Neo-Westerns ►► https://bit.ly/neo-western-films Create a script breakdown with StudioBinder ►► https://bit.ly/37x3Jxt Logan (2017) stands as one of the best superhero movies ever made. But it also functions in a subgenre of Western movies called the Neo-Western. This new brand of Western often focuses on the clash of traditional values in the face of modern living. With movies like Hell or High Water, No Country for Old Men, Sicario, and Logan, it appears that the Neo-Western resonates with contemporary audiences. But what is a Neo-Western and what makes it different from typical Western movies? In film theory, movie genres are constructed by expectations. These can be consolidated into categories like theme, setting, and character types. Logan (Hugh Jackman) embodies a typical Western protagonist and a reluctant hero. When we meet Old Man Logan, he is far removed from his previous life as The Wolverine. He has grown bitter, selfish, and stubborn. It is only when he meets La


我们都欣赏上世纪 70 年代好莱坞新风格的崛起,但它是从哪里开始的呢?「雌雄大盗」作为新好莱坞的开山之作,奠定了它在电影史上的重要地位。让我们来看看好莱坞史上最具影响力的电影之一是如何打造一个创新、大胆的故事,从而改变了电影界的。


导演吉列尔莫•德尔•托罗「Guillermo del Toro」曾执导过「潘神的迷宫」、「地狱男孩」、「环太平洋」、「深红峰」等电影,在过去的25年里,恐怖片和童话故事一直是他的圣地。在此之前,德尔·托罗从事特效和化妆工作——考虑到他喜欢犀利的魔幻现实主义,这完全说得通。以下是影响了他的有力的寓言风格的电影。From Fandor


米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼,意大利现代主义电影导演,被许多影迷、影评人和电影人认为是有史以来最伟大的导演之一,也是公认在电影美学上最有影响力的导演之一。本视频将探讨安东尼奥尼的几何构图方法,这是帮助他的电影在电影史上留下不可磨灭印记的众多原因之一。From Fandor


大卫·芬奇的这部暴力和政治的黑色喜剧改编自查克·帕拉尼克臭名昭著的同名小说,描绘了一个后资本主义的反乌托邦城市,几乎到处都是绝望的男人。从病态的荧光灯到泰勒·德顿「Tyler Durden」夸张的服装选择,在这部被大量引用的现代经典cult电影中,每一种颜色「和颜色对比」都被一丝不苟地结合在每个场景中,并形成对比。From Fandor


在电影「怪奇物语」里,你会看到大量对20世纪80年代及以后经典电影的公然引用——毕竟,这部剧并不羞于承认是什么激发了它。但如果你是一个完美主义者,这段视频是对「怪奇物语」第一季中杜夫兄弟的每一个视觉致敬的详尽目录。当然也有斯皮尔伯格的电影,但也有受人喜爱的恐怖电子游戏系列,劣质的动作电影和成长故事。From Fandor


约翰·卡彭特也许没有执导过多少卖座大片,但他比几乎任何一位导演都拥有更多的邪典经典。从万圣节到袭击13区再到逃离纽约,卡朋特精通恐怖、动作和科幻小说。他还是自己电影中大多数音乐的作曲家,他甚至还为 Blumhouse Productions 公司于2018年上映的万圣节电影「哈利·波特」谱曲。From Fandor